Your every action affects the parameters of thirst and hunger, so long trips can be rather dangerous. You need to constantly have water in your backpack to supply your house with enough provision since finding a source of water can be an issue. From unique fruits and herbs you are also capable of making useful remedies.

Water the earth, take care of your garden and you won’t run short of food. Berries and plants can be either gathered in the forest or grown in the field. Every sort of plant and meat has its own nutritious value. To keep up existence, you need to eat and drink. Fly on a pterosaur over the peaks of the wild mountains covered with snow, transport your allies behind hostile walls, crash through the base of a hostile tribe on a huge brontosaur or track your prey on a tyrannosaur’s back! Enter a living and breathing ecosystem with its hierarchy where you need to find your own way to survive! Some pets can carry various kinds of cargos, others can be ridden. Your orders will be influenced by how well you were able to get together with and train your charge. Once you find and tame one of these creatures, you will have control over it. The game features over 80 species of primeval fauna you can tame.